At this point I am about to make Issue a default topic... but seriously we have a page for that please use that instead.
At this point I am about to make Issue a default topic... but seriously we have a page for that please use that instead.
I am still looking for what feature would make more people want to use the site, and keep using it.
Yes you mean a bra... funny
I be like:
Fixing previous feature?
Adding new half-baked features
Remember: No matter which "side" you're on when the people representing your side do bad things, you still need to stand up against them.
"Ok but when you stand up against bad people on your side, the other side sees it as a win and acts like you are an idiot."
You cannot avoid having some people see you as an idiot, all you can do is try to avoid being one.
People always have difficulty to change the top color.
Checkout the new Arena feature, it's still in early dev please report any bug or issue. (once the base mechanic is working I will add some cool notificaiton system cool animation like I did for demon lord ascension)
Good news! You can now view posts without needing to be logged in. Just click on a post’s ID to open it outside the feed. Want to share it? Click the ID again to copy the link, or just grab the URL from your browser.
Now you can send posts to your friends easily. No account required to view!
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
The reply system is broken on the feed page. I have cats that are peing everywhere all the time so it's a asshole to keep the apartment clean. I am moving out but don't know where.